Monday, March 07, 2011

[桌遊] My Solitaire Game List (單人遊戲)

1. Onirim (這當然是我的第一名啦!)
2. Thunderstone (有凌駕第一名的趨勢,最近開很兇!)
3. Forbidden Island (想獨自去小島度假的時候就會想玩。)
4. Castle Panic (有玩桌遊版PvZ的感覺。)
5. Space Hulk: Death Angel (我很想要愛它,可是我對擲骰子的遊戲總是沒輒!)
6. Race for the Galaxy with Gather Storm Expansion (沒人教果然霧煞煞)
7. Battlestar: Galactica 單人變體 (光是把配件擺出來,就有玩過一輪的感覺。)
8. Lost Cities 單人變體 (還沒機會試)
9. Attika 單人變體 (還沒機會試)
10. TimeStreams (用來練習人格分裂)

1. Ghost Stories
2. Arkham Horror (這款應該是列著好玩的!)
3. Dungeons & Dragons : Castle Ravenloft (跟上面一樣)
4. Defenders of the Realm (跟上上面一樣,重點是貴到翻)

1 comment:

賴大鐵 said...
